Nemački jezik je prepoznatljiv po izuzetno dugim rečima, odnosno složenicama. Kada se Mark Twain požalio da su neke nemačke reči „toliko duge da imaju perspektivu“, mislio je na reči kao što su Freundschaftsbeziehungen (prijateljske veze ili odnosi) i Generalstaatsverordnetenversammlungen (Opšti sastanci Državnog veća).
U poslednje vreme ove neverovatne složenice privukle su pažnju javnost, budući da se o tome govorilo kada je Nemačka „izgubila svoju najdužu reč“: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz (približan prevod: zakon za delegaciju monitoringa obeležavanja govedine).
Ali Nemačka nije mogla nikako da izgubi svoju najdužu reč, pošto je proces formiranja ovakvih reči uvek aktivan i produktivan deo jezika, a Nemci imaju potencijala da stvore još duže reči. Ali kako taj proces funkcioniše?
Ova vesela animacija vodi nas korak po korak kroz proces nastajanja ovakvih složenica. Na ovom primeru prikazan je nastanak neverovatne reči Rhababerbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbierbarbärbel, apsolutno ispravne reči, koja možda nikada pre nije bila izgovorena.
Ovaj video je naravno na nemačkom jeziku ali neka vas to ne brine, ovo malo remek-delo jasno objašnjava proces nastajanja ove reči.
Evo male pomoći da pratite video.
Gospodin Dan Noland usudio se da prevede ovaj video na engleski jezik i postavio u komentar na YouTube-u. Zahvaljujemo se na takvom poduhvatu.
In a small village there lived a woman with the name Barbara.
Barbara was well known for her wonderful rhubarb cake.
So people called her Rhubarb-Barbara.
Rhubarb-Barbara quickly realized that she could earn some money with her cake.
So she opened a bar, the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar.
The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar was successful and soon she had regular customers.
And the three most well known of her customers, three barbarians, came so often to the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar to eat Rhubarb-Barbara’s rhubarb cake that they became known as the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians.
The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians had beautiful beards.
And if the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians wanted to groom their Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beards they went to a barber.
And the only barber skilled enough to work on the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beards was called the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber.
The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber also enjoyed going to the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar to eat some of Rhubarb-Barbara’s delicious rhubarb cake and enjoy a beer which he proclaimed would be called the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer.
The Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer could only be purchased at one specific bar.
And the seller of the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer under the sign for the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer-Bar is called Barbel.
And so the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarians together with the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber and Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer-Bar-Barbel went together to the Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar to have piece of Rhubarb-Barbara’s delicious rhubarb cake and to raise a glass of ice cold Rhubarb-Barbara-Bar-Barbarian-Beard-Barber-Beer.